Songs I Wish I Could Remember

Songs I Wish I Could Remember is the first album released by Alan Tierney under the project name Quietside. It is a collection of demos that simply mounted up so it seemed logical to package them together as one item.

Quietside consisted of 4 musicians and singers who worked on the project. Jörg Schreiner: Drum programming, Keyboards and Acoustic Guitar Siggi Zundl: Guitars, Bass and Backing vocals. Jessica Heck: Vocals and Backing Vocals and Alan Tierney: Vocals, Backing Vocals and Acoustic Guitar.

The songs were mostly written by Alan Tierney although two of them, “I So Bleed” and “With Or Without You” are credited as “written by Alan Tierney and Jessica Heck.”

The CD was released under the ‘Ocean One Records’ label.

The single tracks can be downloaded on iTunes or Amazon. Look for it under “Songs I Wish I Could Remember”. CD’s will soon be available from this site for 9.99€ +p&p. If you cannot wait so long just send an email request to and we will sort something out for you.

Here is what one or two have said about the album one in english, one in German (source :

“Wow, I was very impressed how good “Songs I Wish I Could Remember” is. The first impression is how different each song is…the rhythm section, arrangements, vocals…all unique. Many musicians/bands find a groove they like and are successful with, and they just stay with that groove. This CD is much more interesting because each song is different. This material is great and also the backup singings from Jessica and the studio musicians. Can’t pick one favorite, because I like them all. “The Sign” and “A Long, Long Way To Go Home” would be on the top of the list.

To appreciate how hard it is the record a CD that good…crisp arrangement, tight vocals, a solid groove, it would be great for everyone to try to record a song. it really is hard. The sound technicians can hide some small things, but the instruments and ESPECIALLY the vocals, have to be good. All the musicians are right on.

Purcahse the CD and enjoy !” (Michael)

“Dieses Album enthällt einige Lieder die einem direkt aus der Seele sprechen…
Die Texte und die Musik passen einfach so gut zusammen, und dennoch ist das Album abwechslungsreich genug um nicht davon gelangweilt zu werden”. (Master Daniel)