The Sign


This is track number 8 from the album “Songs I Wish I Could Remember” Alan Tierney also entered this into the UK Songwriting Competition and it also reached the semi-final. It also seems to be one of the most well liked from the album.

All about the shyness and self-consciousness of youth. “How do I know if she likes me?” or “If I ask her out, what if she says no?” Ah, those were the days.

Alan Tierney

und auf Deutsch…

Die ersten Schmetterlinge im Bauch! Schüchtern und mit geringem Selbstbewusstsein fragst du dich: “Sie liebt mich, sie liebt mich nicht?” oder “was wenn sie nein sagt” Ach was für eine schöne Zeit 😉

Alan Tierney

A small snippet below